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Freelancer copywriter and website founder


In business, as in life, every action, decision, and relationship has consequences. Growing a business is about balancing between the many, often conflicting, BUTs that shape our lives. In the end, everything comes at a price. But…that does not have to be a bad thing because there is always leverage. 


Over 15 years in copywriting, I’ve watched startups rise and fall – with the safe players as vulnerable as the dreamers and visionaries.  If there is one thing all successful brands have in common, it’s their resilience – a seemingly personal quality that is always rooted in knowledge. About the latest tech trends, best hiring practices, common mistakes to avoid, but most importantly, about leveraging your most valuable asset – the people.


That’s what this blog is essentially about – navigating turbulent professional waters with a full understanding of all the strings attached. Based on first-hand experiences from friends and clients, case studies of global successes and failures, and recent news analytics, this is a story in progress.


Get in touch if you wish to become part of it – on either side of the contractor/employer barricade! 


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